Inspired by bikerafting, the Atlin’s wide bow creates a stable and buoyant platform for carrying large loads.
For more information about the Atlin, watch the one-minute intro video below and check out the product page in the shop.
People on the DIY Packraft mailing list have known about this packraft for some time now – if you want to be notified of things like this before they’re announced publicly, sign up here.

Want to Change Your Current Order to an Atlin?
If you have already pre-ordered a different packraft model and you don’t want to lose your place in the production queue but you would like an Atlin kit instead, please follow these steps (sorry for the rigmarole, but there’s no way for me to add charges to an existing order and there’s no way for me to make a new order for you without having all your credit card details):
- Find the email receipt from your order (check your spam/junk mail if the receipt didn’t make it to your inbox).
- Visit the Atlin product page and make a note of the price* of the Atlin kit you want.
- If the price of the Atlin kit is less than what you have already paid, simply contact me to tell me which model/size/color/zipper combination you want and I will refund the price difference.
- If the price of the Atlin kit is more than what you have already paid, subtract the price of the other kit from the price of the Atlin.
- Use the Special Order product page to add the price difference to your Cart (round down to the nearest dollar). I will check this amount before I send your order.
- In the “Order notes” box, tell me about the change you want. Be sure to include your previous order number, the new model, color, size, and whether or not you want a zipper. For example, you could write “Change order 12345 from a Skeena to a blue Atlin, size small, with a zipper.”)
- Complete the checkout process. I will then make the requested changes.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the price of everything is going up these days. Packraft components are no exception. To cope with this new reality, I have had to raise the prices of most products.
Because the Atlin is a new product, its price reflects the current reality. If you placed a pre-order for a different model before the price increase and you want to change it to an Atlin, you can subtract $10 USD from the Atlin price when you do the calculation above. If you already pre-ordered other accessories at the old prices (such as a spray deck, spray skirt, etc.) you don’t need to pay the new prices for those.
Damo · April 21, 2022 at 11:55 pm
So, apart from the extra load carrying capacity, what are the main benefits? Am I right in thinking it will actually be easier to put it together, due to the design of the bow? What water rating would you be happy to say it could handle, Class III? And does the slightly stronger tube material negate the need for the wrap around bottom fabric that is on the Telkwa?
Matt (Admin) · April 22, 2022 at 9:43 am
Whitewater handling will depend on what you pack and how you pack it – a large, top-heavy load is inherently unstable. The main benefit of the Atlin compared to the other models is that it’s more stable with a large load on the bow because it’s wider there, so (all else being equal) as it tips sideways in the waves it’s less likely to capsize because of its wider stance. Whitewater capability depends more on the paddler than the packraft, so I don’t normally give ratings (I have a page in the FAQ about all the confounding factors) and it’s still the spring thaw here so I haven’t had a chance to paddle in anything other than lakes and a fairly gentle river… I can tell you it makes for a lousy icebreaker though (but it’s still fun to ram the ice at full speed to see how far you can get). The construction time/difficulty is about the same as the Skeena – there’s one less tube-to-tube seam, but there are three long seams instead of two. Durability is also similar to the Skeena – the Telkwa’s wrap-around floor is still in a class of its own.
Damo · April 25, 2022 at 2:17 pm
Thanks for the reply, considering I have a lot of shallow rivers in my area, I think the extra floor strength of the Telkwa is probably still a better option for me.
lakecat1620 · April 21, 2022 at 5:07 pm
Hey Matt, I’ve been hoping you would make this design.
Matt (Admin) · April 22, 2022 at 9:45 am
Great! I spent a lot of time on it, so I hope people like it 🙂