Home Forums DIY Packrafts "long-term" use reports

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  • #6966
    Andrew Dutcher

    I recently became interested in packrafting, after reading a number of trip reports to some really beautiful, remote locations. I love the concept of diy packraft because I like working with my hands, learning, and saving some cash. Thanks to all for the documentation on this site!

    My biggest question as I explore the diy scene is on long term use. The one report I found that used one of the kit rafts indicated that the owners were repairing the rafts pretty frequently due to seam leaks (https://www.michaeldeckebach.com/blog/diy-packraft-review/). What have others’ experiences been over a frequent or long use period?

    I would love to learn the author’s experience was due to the iron he used or details orientation, but also want to be realistic. Ultimately, I would pay for a raft if the long term reliability isn’t there for the diy solution.

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  • Author
    • #6993
      Andrew Dutcher

      I hear you, and that was my hunch; my concern is that it is hard to get the right tool at a “consumer” price point (if at all), and it seems that most (all?) of the recommended irons are a gamble on their quality; Matt has had some positive experiences with a couple off-the-shelf irons, but it seems like others experiences are all over the board.

    • #6983
      Lyn St George

      Looking at the site you’ve linked to, he pretty much admits that the problems are down to poor workmanship and poor tools. The photo shows a seam that will not only leak but quite possibly tear apart under serious stress. The situation is much the same as with anything else you might make, be it tent, shed or packraft: you need to have the right tools for the job, to develop the skills to use those tools effectively, and have a system to monitor your own skills. Have all that in place and whatever you make will last you as long as anything from the big names. Possibly longer in many cases.

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