ag403 replied to the topic Trouble sealing seam strip to floor junctions in the forum DIY Packrafts 4 years, 4 months ago
Okay, great! I’ve brushed off any debris, including the remnants of Tyvek tape, Exposed the 4 corner seams, 2L-1L, 2R-1R, 3L-4L,3R-4R, and applied pretty liberal amounts of seam grip over and around the seam strip bubbles. Assuming that’s successful, tomorrow I’ll do the same on 1L-1R and 4L-4R and hopefully have a working boat!
ag403 replied to the topic Trouble sealing seam strip to floor junctions in the forum DIY Packrafts 4 years, 4 months ago
Here is an image of what I’m dealing with, if I press on these bubbles with my finger I can stop the audible leak, but how best to do that with seam sealer and/or a patch? I can’t access the inside anymore since whole boat has been assembled, the only way in is the valve.
ag403 started the topic Trouble sealing seam strip to floor junctions in the forum DIY Packrafts 4 years, 6 months ago
I have several major leaks that all seem (ha) to be coming from where tube-to-tube seams meet the floor. This undoubtedly stems from making my reinforcement strips too long and interfering with the seam strip and trying to go back and fix this and losing some TPU in the process. Any suggestions for plugging these up besides using ungodly amounts…[Read more]
ag403 became a registered member 4 years, 7 months ago