DancingDragons replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 7 months ago
I had a similar idea about making my ultralight self bailing by extending the seat into a full length inflatable floor and cutting bailing ports into the original floor (and reinforcing around them) since I found that the seat alone gave nearly enough buoyancy to keep my behind above water. I imagine that with a full length inflatable floor + a…[Read more]
DancingDragons replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 7 months ago
Hi Matt, I noticed that though the floor fabric is heavier due to it being double sided TPU, it isn’t actually stronger than the tube fabric since the base fabric appears to be the same. I understand the UL isn’t a very popular item for you, but is it in the cards for a future revision to have a sturdier floor fabric option? I imagine that maybe…[Read more]
DancingDragons replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 7 months ago
I’ve replied to Matt with skeg pictures 🙂
As for durability, I’ve found that I no longer worry – I’ve seen marine life and debris brush up through the floor enough times and it still causes concern, but nothing yet has caused a breach or puncture. I don’t drag it along shore or docks, and I only launch and land directly in the water to reduce…[Read more]
DancingDragons replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 7 months ago
Hi Matt, you absolutely can use this photo! As for the skeg, I don’t have any pictures of the current revision but here is what V1.0 looked like. As you can see it’s a two part design to make printing easy (three if you count the skeg) and is compatible with Intex skegs. Base is TPU and top is PETG, but V2.0 is all TPU since I have determined that…[Read more]
DancingDragons replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 9 months ago
I plan to give a more detailed writeup about my experience with the Ultralight, encompassing everything from building to modding to hiking to paddling. For now, though, enjoy this crunchy picture as well as this imgur album for some highlights of my time with my new getaway
carboat!I was introduced to packrafts when looking for an…[Read more]
DancingDragons replied to the topic New users say "Hi" here to prove you are not a Spam Bot in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 11 months ago
Hello there! Hoping to graduate from a slack raft to something a little lighter and easier to pack this summer 😀
DancingDragons became a registered member 2 years, 1 month ago