EricNort replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 6 months, 2 weeks ago
I am really loving my first ultralight packraft (“first” because I am hoping to build a second with a couple more fishing rod holders added along with some other improvements). It is nearing a year old now as I finished the build in early September of 2023. These pictures are from a 3-day backpacking/fishing trip I just did with a couple of my h…[Read more]
EricNort replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 5 months ago
I decided my packraft needed a name. It is Greek for “Of the Lake” with θάλασσας pronounced Thalassas.
EricNort replied to the topic Offcuts and Seconds in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 5 months ago
Got it, thanks.
EricNort started the topic Offcuts and Seconds in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 5 months ago
Are the fabric offcuts and seconds listing in the shop out of stock indefinitely? Tried to order tonight but it shows out of stock. I would like to get some scrap fabric (various thicknesses) just to mess around with.
EricNort replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 5 months ago
I thought it would look good with the logo on it so I did that this weekend. I downloaded the logo and printed it out full scale on 11″x17″ paper. One sheet was used for alignment, cut down to just the edges of the letters and line, and the other used to transfer the letter patterns to the fabric (used leftovers from the seat cushion). To si…[Read more]
EricNort commented on the post, A DIY Packraft Logo? 1 year, 5 months ago
Now that mine has been built and used I think I will add a logo to mine. I like it!
EricNort replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 5 months ago
I have completed my build of the Ultralight Packraft with fishing rod holders added. The build went much quicker than I expected and I had it completed in about three weeks. I worked on it on nearly a daily basis and was thrilled to have it ready to bring along on a backpacking trip to Flapjack Lakes in Olympic National Park this past w…[Read more]
EricNort replied to the topic Fishing Rod Holders in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 6 months ago
The build is going great and I am hoping to be able to inflate my raft for the first time by this weekend. I have the tubes on both sides completed and joined at the front and am in the process of seam sealing all the joints before I close it up at the stern end. If all goes well, it will be going with me on a 4-day backpacking trip to F…[Read more]
EricNort replied to the topic Fishing Rod Holders in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 7 months ago
Awesome! I placed my order (with note) this morning. I’ll be sure to post about the build process and how it goes incorporating the rod holders. Also ordered the heating iron and silicone roller from aliexpress last week and they should be here soon, and I already have your fabric sample set from the shop to practice with. Getting excited!
EricNort replied to the topic Fishing Rod Holders in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 7 months ago
Thanks! I will be sure to add a note to my order, which I am anticipating to place within this next week.
EricNort started the topic Fishing Rod Holders in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 7 months ago
I am saving towards the Ultralight packraft kit and am wondering if it would be strong enough for fishing rod holders like these: https://www.diypackraft.com/construction/how-to/fishing-rod-holder/
I do a lot of backpacking and day hiking to alpine lakes and enjoy the fishing and would like to incorporate rod holders when I build. Would there b…[Read more]
EricNort changed their profile picture 1 year, 8 months ago
EricNort replied to the topic New users say "Hi" here to prove you are not a Spam Bot in the forum DIY Packrafts 1 year, 8 months ago
Hi! Found your site a couple weeks ago via YouTube and looking at buying the Ultralight packraft kit to bring along on my backpacking trips to alpine lakes in Washington state.
EricNort became a registered member 1 year, 8 months ago