Packraft number two. Size large, bought plans from Matt. Fabric from extremtextil in Germany. Did not have any problems about bonding, but more heat is the answer. The fabric is not so good as Matt’s fabric.
Hi guys, living in the northen part of Norway. Placed order with Matt couple of days ago and waiting to start with the packraft in near future. Stefan..did you got the fabric from textilextreme, how was it to bond??
I have some questions about making the packraft.
1. Will there be an idea to bond all the tubes together first and then let the front or back of the tubes be open?
2. If you work this way, you can start to bond the tubes side by side against the open tube and bonding be more easy ond possible more airtight??
I was thinking of bonding all tubes together on left or right side first, before bonding anything to the floor. In that way I could let the bau or the stern be left open for bonding as last thing to do, and then starting to bond both tube side on left or right to the floor, working one side complete finished before bonding the other side, ending up either front or back of the packraft.
Hi. I have made packraft from extremtextil’s fabric. Sealing was no problem, more heat from the sealing iron is the answer. Did use 210 D tpu dobbel side for floor and singel side tpu 210 D for tubes.
You could use singel side 210D tpu for bonding strips, should work just fine.
But I do not see the point using tpu dobbel side fabric for tubes, not the fabric from extremtextil because the tear resistanse is poor and way lower than Matt’s nylon 66 210 D singel tpu. And a tizip could be added with no problem in Matt’s fabric, no advantage there to fabric fram extremtextil. The fabric from Germany is heavy compared to nylon 66 210d tpu. Except from price and shipping speed from Germany I dont see any point using extremtextil’s fabric.
Modifyed soldering iron. Bought on eBay and the iron is a 60 watt iron with adjustment on the output heat. The iron shoetip is from another soldering iron also bought on eBay, but that iron did not delivered the propper heat. The iron fot is the cut down to 25mm with and the tickness under the fot then grined down about 5 mm so the heat transfer faster. Seams to work fine under my third packraft build.
Bought plans from Matt, size large. Fabric fra extremtextil, 210 D tpu singel coated side for tubes and dobbel coated side 210 D for floor. Heating and bonding this together is no problem if you have the right tool. I´m using Coverite 21ST Century Sealing Iron on max temp and it is no problem to bond. Ok the fabric is lower quality than Matt is offering, but I could always seal in a extra layer on the tubes if I want, as I planed with the floor. But I also ordered a new kit from Matt and will problably in the future order some raw fabric from Matt and build size Large Packraft in his fabric to. Have a BIG family, 2 adults and 6 kids so… 😉
Got this in the mail today. Seems to be working just perfect. Test sealed 40D fabric and started with 150 C or aprox. 300 F, perfect! Now waiting for the diy-kit from Matt.
This reply was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by keopgaard.