legslegum replied to the topic A durable paint that works on the TPU coating? in the forum DIY Packrafts 3 years, 11 months ago
Haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve read that you can mix ceramic pigment with seamgrip. Would certainly be durable! Comes in a powder, available from your local ceramic/pottery supply store.
legslegum replied to the topic DIY Packraft Photos in the forum DIY Packrafts 4 years, 1 month ago
Finally getting around to posting some shots of my first Telkwa build this summer! Matt’s instructions really are unbelievably good. It took me about 60 hours because I am nothing if not a little obsessive, but less quality guidance would have had me crying instead of wrapping this up with a finished boat that I couldn’t be more stoked on! The…[Read more]
legslegum replied to the topic An improved tie down in the forum DIY Packrafts 4 years, 6 months ago
Indeed, thanks!
legslegum replied to the topic An improved tie down in the forum DIY Packrafts 4 years, 6 months ago
Cool, thanks Matt. You’ve done some bikerafting, yes? Any notes there on best type to use? Would assume strap plate would be best, but turns out there’s not much of the internet getting into the nitty gritty of overbuilt vs. underbuilt DIY bike tie downs. Go figure! Saw your previous comment somewhere about laying the bike on the bow (wheels and…[Read more]
legslegum replied to the topic An improved tie down in the forum DIY Packrafts 4 years, 6 months ago
Hey folks, now that you’ve had a few years to test, got any input on best and worst tiedown designs. I just finished building a Telkwa and intend to put a bike on the bow. Just curious if anyone has any recommendations for the style of tiedown to use for that purpose.
legslegum replied to the topic New users say "Hi" here to prove you are not a Spam Bot in the forum DIY Packrafts 4 years, 8 months ago
Hey Hi hello not a robot! We just bought two kits on my partner’s account and are very excited to get started once they arrive.
legslegum became a registered member 4 years, 8 months ago