zhang posted an update 6 years, 7 months ago
@lynsg I note you once contacted with us in alibaba about our plastic valves. Please tell us your request or contact with us by goldenvit@yahoo.com.sg. Thanks, Zhang
Maynard posted an update 7 years ago
Lyn, I am curious as to how you pre weld your seams before you use a heat gun on the seams! Do you first. Weld them with a mini Iron over a curved surface then go over the whole tube seam again with the gun and roller?
I weld them with a Jingda iron, but just by laying the tube pieces flat and facing together. Imagine that you’re sewing the pieces together, so you add a seam allowance of 7 mm or so to each end of each tube piece and then, instead of sewing, you weld them on that seam allowance. This is where Alpacka sew theirs. You end up with a hull that’s…[Read more]
Jean Patrice Veilhan replied to the topic What plans/kits would you like to see next? in the forum DIY Packrafts 7 years, 10 months ago
Hi Matt,
First, congratulations for your so exciting website! Hey, nice idea to ask us the question! These are my needs thus:
Definitely, a 2-person flat-water packraft, but not as the Alpacka Explorer 42 (I own it) which is too short. No, a long 2-person packraft, with side tube parallel with each other: that allows each packraft-builder to c…[Read more]
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic Heat-sealing tools in the forum DIY Packrafts 8 years ago
Thanks, @lynsg – this is great news! I will give it a try myself. Until now I’ve assumed that it would be too difficult to manage three pieces of fabric, an air gun, and a roller all at once. Are you heating between the layers and then setting the air gun aside and picking up the roller to roll the seam?
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic Heat-sealing tools in the forum DIY Packrafts 8 years ago
Thanks, @lynsg – this is great news! I will give it a try myself. Until now I’ve assumed that it would be too difficult to manage three pieces of fabric, an air gun, and a roller all at once. Are you heating between the layers and then setting the air gun aside and picking up the roller to roll the seam?
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic Reply To: Heat-sealing tools in the forum Heat-sealing tools 8 years ago
Thanks, @lynsg – this is great news! I will give it a try myself. Until now I’ve assumed that it would be too difficult to manage three pieces of fabric, an air gun, and a roller all at once. Are you heating between the layers and then setting the air gun aside and picking up the roller to roll the seam?
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic Reply To: Heat-sealing tools in the forum Heat-sealing tools 8 years ago
Thanks, @lynsg – this is great news! I will give it a try myself. Until now I’ve assumed that it would be too difficult to manage three pieces of fabric, an air gun, and a roller all at once. Are you heating between the layers and then setting the air gun aside and picking up the roller to roll the seam?
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic What plans/kits would you like to see next? in the forum DIY Packrafts 8 years ago
Welcome to the forum, Jeb!
I’ve been working on a two-person packraft design for a while now, but I’d like to avoid the floppy side-tube syndrome that people complain about in the manufactured two-person packrafts. How much of an issue was this for you, @lynsg? I know you found the length an issue for comfort as well (it not really being long…[Read more]
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic DIY Packraft fabrics: Green in the forum DIY Packrafts 8 years, 1 month ago
@lynsg Thanks for your input and for prompting this discussion – at your suggestion, I have deleted the other thread to avoid confusion.
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic DIY Packraft fabrics: Green in the forum DIY Packrafts 8 years, 1 month ago
@lynsg Thanks for your input and for prompting this discussion – at your suggestion, I have deleted the other thread to avoid confusion.
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic in the forum Lyn St George 8 years, 1 month ago
@lynsg Hi Lyn, I moved my reply from this topic to be its own topic so the colour chart will stay at the top of the page. Thanks for starting the conversation 🙂
Here is the new topic: https://www.diypackraft.com/forums/topic/split-diy-packraft-fabrics/
Matt (Admin) replied to the topic Heat-sealing tools in the forum DIY Packrafts 8 years, 1 month ago
Hi @Lynsg,
That’s too bad! Was it the eBay 58W iron you mentioned above? I had a similar problem with one of the soldering irons I tested.