I have returned from my 30-day hiking/packrafting trip and I look forward to sharing the details of this fantastic voyage with you, but first I have a large backlog of emails to respond to and plenty of work to do in order to get the DIY Packraft shop up and running again.
Unfortunately there was a delay in manufacturing the new fabric shipment while I was away, so it will not arrive here in early September as I had hoped. That means some fabrics are still unavailable, and will be for some time, and I am unable to make new standard-weight packraft kits (I still have fabric for the Ultralight model, so that will be available shortly). It also means that spray decks and skirts are still unavailable, and bulk fabric sales will be limited to the camouflage 250 GSM fabric only. I will provide an update as soon as I have a better idea about when the other fabrics will arrive.
I realize the delay will be disappointing to many of you and I apologize for that… I am equally disappointed.

Jeff · September 18, 2020 at 11:22 am
Hope you had a great trip! Would it be possible to get on an email list or something to be notified when the kits are back in stock? I’m stoked to get started so I keep coming back every day to check, but it’d be a bit easier to just get an email. Just a thought
Matt (Admin) · September 18, 2020 at 3:30 pm
Good idea – I will try to figure out how to set up a mailing list, and once I do I’ll write a post inviting people to sign up. Cheers!
Jeff · September 21, 2020 at 9:06 am
You’re the man!
Vince · September 9, 2020 at 2:41 pm
Too bad about the fabric delivery, I was hoping to place an order when you came back! I’m glad you made it back safely though and hope you had tons of fun! I look forward to reading about your trip!
Jonathan Fairbridge · September 9, 2020 at 1:25 pm
Of course we’re sad but we understand these things happen. Glad your back safe and hope your trip was amazing.
Any updated estimate on when fabrics will be in? Excited to DIY a packraft!
Uncle Fred · September 8, 2020 at 2:20 am
Glad you made it back safely. I look forward to reading your trip report and hearing your thoughts on anything you experienced. I plan on ordering my first kit from you, but looking to get the spray deck and skirt with the Telkwa, so I’ll probably wait.
krstahl · September 7, 2020 at 7:03 pm
I hope your expedition was everything, and more, that you hoped and dreamed it would be!