I’ve always used an inflation bag to inflate my packrafts, but I keep seeing people mention that they prefer to use a little portable electric pump, so I decided to buy one and try it out myself.

Using the pump is definitely faster and more convenient in many situations, but it has a few downsides, such as not being waterproof, requiring the use of adapters that don’t fit the valves very well, requiring the battery to be recharged from time to time (though it does seem to last quite a while), not doubling as a drybag, and (worst of all) the terrible vacuum cleaner noise it makes.

On backcountry trips, I’ll still be taking my ultralight inflation bag, but the pump will definitely get some use closer to home and in populated areas.

I made a video showing a comparison between the inflation bag and the pump, so check it out and decide for yourself if a pump is a worthwhile investment for you!

Categories: Gear Talk


Dwayne · September 2, 2024 at 7:33 pm

I use the FlexTailGear ultra-mini air pump. It weighs just 100g and inflates a Skeena raft about 6-8 times per charge. As a bonus, I use it to vacuum the last bit of air out of the raft so it packs tighter in my backpack.

Try holding the electric pump back about 6-12in from the open boston valve and blowing air towards it. The Venturi effect multiplies the amount of air blown into the boat and it fills in about half the time.

    Matt (Admin) · September 3, 2024 at 8:51 am

    Thanks for the tips, Dwayne – I’ll check it out!

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